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Search for missing Irish hiker continues in Sardinia

A search for an Irish hiker last seen on Friday afternoon in Sardinia is continuing.
Italian media outlets are reporting that so far no trace has been found of the 39-year-old, who was reported missing by his brothers after becoming separated from them during a hike.
According to the newspaper L’Unione Sarda, emergency services are scouring the coast extensively. The search has continued without stopping on the third leg of the Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara mining trail, between Masua and Cala Domestica.
The 19.3km trail, which runs along the coastline, is classed as hard and challenging. Some passages, particularly along the panoramic route after the Cantina Belvedere, are exposed to falling debris from above.
The southern-based Cagliari fire brigade has set up an “advanced command post” with a UCL (local command unit) vehicle to coordinate the search teams, operating on site with Tas (topography applied to rescue) specialists, an alpine and river caves team, remotely piloted drones, and a dog unit.
The national Drago 144 helicopter has also been deployed.
Concern is mounting for the man’s safety as an Italian spokesperson for the emergency services involved said there is an “impressive deployment of men and resources that unfortunately, so far, has not achieved the desired result.”
The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that it is aware of the case and is providing consular assistance.
